Musings from the CIA

Welcome to the first blog post from your resident CIA expert (Chronically Ill Author). 

Why this blog? Well, the fact is most authors have some kind of blog about writing. They talk about releases or journeys to publication, different software or marketing techniques. 

This blog isn't that — or at least, it's more than just that. It's a blog for all my fellow CIA's out there. 

This blog will explore being a CIA in the publishing industry. It will invite fellow CIAs to share their experiences, tips and tricks and provides personal insight into some of the trials and triumphs of being an author while also living with chronic health conditions and disabilities.

Why start this blog now? Well, I'm struggling with what my new normal looks like. Living with a chronic illness is hard, and understanding what that looks like in a flurry of deadlines, social media posts, writing sprints, and releases is hard.

This blog is for all of you who are discovering your new normal, living in transition, or just simply looking to find support and your community. 

Welcome. You're appreciated here. 

Expect a few blog posts each month as we begin. I'll also start a resources page. 

I look forward to being on this journey with you. 
